Friday, January 27, 2012

Breast Implants Save Woman’s Life During an Attack

Yes, the headline sounds comical but it is true.  A woman in Florida has claimed that her saline breast implant saved her life after it prevented a pocket knife from piercing her lungs and heart.

Meanwhile, doctors believe that the victim’s breast implant really saved her life.  The woman, who did not want to be named, said she was stabbed by her ex-fiance’s new girlfriend several times using a pocket knife.

The suspect, Amy Winter, stabbed the 41-year-old victim several times in her left chest. 

Because the breast implant absorbed the deadly blow, it prevented the pocket knife from piercing the victim’s vital organs.  In fact, doctors said that without the synthetic device, she could have sustained fatal injuries such as collapsed lungs and heart failure.

The incident happened outside the victim’s apartment in Melbourne.  According to police report, Winter scratched her car and stabbed her repeatedly during confrontation.

The victim said the attack happened so fast that she found herself covered with blood—and also saline (or simply saltwater solution) from the ruptured breast implants, which she got three months ago.  For this reason, she said that her breastaugmentation, which cost $6,000, is probably the best investment she ever made.

Meanwhile, the breast implant manufacturer said it will provide warranty because the patient is a victim of a crime.

Dr. Tarick Smaili, a breast augmentation doctor who did not treat the victim, said that he heard a few cases of breast implants “inordinately saving a woman’s life.”

“A few years ago, I read a news about a woman in Los Angeles who was shot in the chest but the bullet fragments, as shown by the CT scan, were prevented by the implants from reaching the heart and other vital organs,” Smaili said.

“So this news about a woman with breast implants who survived after being stabbed in the chest no longer sounds incredulous or impossible to me.  I hear such stories from time to time so this one no longer surprises me,” the Los Angeles plastic surgeon said.

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